When you install glass doors in your home, the main reasons are usually that you want light to come through or you want to see what's on the other side. Whichever of these reasons applies to you, the more glass (and the less frame) the bigger the benefit!
In this property, the family have maximised natural light into their kitchen and maximised access through the retractable door system by choosing SunSeeker UltraSlim, retractable glass doors with ultra slim 19mm frame.
If you are lucky enough to have fabulous views, make the most of them with maximum glass and minimum door frames:
These Ultra Slim frames are the narrowest frames available on retractable doors - bi folding door frames are much wider to accommodate hinges for folding, pvc frames would considerably reduce the view. This SunSeeker Ultra Slim installation has optional integral blinds fitted inside the double glazing cavity.
Visit our website, www.sunseekerdoors.co.uk to view all our retractable door styles and compare door prices.
Vikings historical travel novel
3 months ago