Thursday, 24 July 2014

Preview: Revolutionary New 2cm Bi Folding Door

SunSeeker Doors Slimline SuperSlim 2cm BiFolding Door

SunSeeker Doors has been developing and manufacturing innovative patio doors for more than ten years. We are the only manufacturer to offer a range of Retractable Slimline Doors made in England, that include Slimline aluminium bi folding, UltraSlim slide and turn and Double-Glazed Frameless Doors.

The new Bi Folding Door is truly revolutionary, with side frames of less than 2 cm. There is no other bi folding door* available today that has such a SuperSlim frame.

It is entirely due to our revolutionary fork-hinge system, designed in-house, which enables the doors to zig-zag as they are opened.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for further details as we launch our latest fantastic bi-folds!

*to our knowledge - and we searched extensively!